A New Season

March 20, 2016 2 Comments 1 Photos

Spring! A time for change to begin, new growth to break through, dry ground to be revived – for these hearts to awaken from their slumber, to be refreshed, renewed.

A new season bursting forth with song and color and a new life full of hope – we begin this new life, this new season, this new path. The journey has not been easy, getting us to this place, but here we are, stepping out on a new road, onto the way of Grace. (Click here for more of our story.)

For so long we fought against the path being laid before us, trying to make our own way to what we thought was good. Struggling long and hard to come to the place where our knees bent in surrender. Letting go of our hearts’ desire and giving into One whose heart is always good and always grace-giving, trusting that His plan for our lives is best, we step out and begin this journey to adoption.

Our Journey So Far –

Since this last December, we have been doing a lot of research looking into many different avenues of adoption and trying to find what we think will be the best fit. We narrowed it down to four options and just last week we made the decision to work with an out-of-state agency, as well as a local attorney who specializes in adoption.

With our choices made we ordered our home study, which is volumes of paperwork followed by an in-home evaluation and interview. We received our packet in the mail several days ago and even with this daunting process we are excited to begin.

We know there is much more to be completed and many hoops to jump through, but we know each step takes us closer to having our forever family. And with each step we hold to a promise with hands held high and hearts open wide.

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19



  1. Reply

    Sharon Smith

    March 21, 2016

    May your journey be rewarding and bring you the joy you are seeking. Life does unfold as it should.

    • Reply


      March 21, 2016

      Thank you, Sharon! We are excited to watch it unfold. 🙂